When an accident or incident occurs, it is not enough to simply deal with the immediate aftermath. A thorough investigation provides you with valuable insights. Such as what happened, why it happened, and how similar occurrences can be prevented in the future.
A well-conducted investigation:
As a business owner, the wellbeing of your employees and the safety of your workplace are paramount. Accidents and incidents within the workplace not only hinder your productivity but can also lead to serious legal and financial repercussions. If you do not have a dedicated Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Manager on your team, this course is essential. You need to be proactive in understanding the dynamics of workplace safety and IF an accident should occur, know what to do. Here is why taking a course on conducting an accident and incident investigation should be on your list of priorities.
Some accidents and incidents must be reported to government agencies and that will lead to in-depth look at your accident investigation reports. This in turn may lead them to question and look at all your WHS processes and systems resulting in further penalties should your system not be effective. If you lack a WHS safety management system it may result in higher penalties or jail. So before an accident WHS Investigators can help you establish your WHS safety system because let’s face it, you don’t want to go to jail!
AFTER you have a workplace accident is not the time to start doing a course in accident investigations. Therefore if you have no experience, we can mentor you through what you need to do after injured staff have been treated so you don’t miss a critical step.
You have a whole series of process to go through after an accident. A quality accident investigation is needed, because a poor investigation could lead to other penalties and legal actions.