How to Visualise and Create Your Future Self

Unlock Your Potential with Visualization 

Visualization is an age-old practice, utilized by Olympians, CEOs, and self-made millionaires. By mentally picturing your desired outcomes, you trigger changes in your brain that help direct your actions in favorable ways.  

Vision boards are not just pretty collages; they are neuroscience in action. When you visualize an outcome, the neural circuits in your brain fire as if you were really experiencing it. This isn’t pseudoscience; it is backed by research in fields such as cognitive psychology. 


How to Visualise and Create Your Future Self

Envisioning the future is a powerful tool that, when harnessed properly, can propel us toward our deepest aspirations. It is about more than daydreaming; it is a strategy for directing your life to match your desires. In a world where change is the only constant, the ability to create, adapt, and live your vision can be a life-altering skill. Our upcoming course, "Create Your Future Self," is designed to guide you through this transformation.  


Communication with Your Future Self 

The concept of communicating with a future version of yourself has psychological benefits. By addressing your future self, you create a bridge between who you are and who you want to become. 

The Psychology of Future Self Continuity 

Connecting with your future self enhances your sense of identity and personal responsibility. When we feel responsible for the outcomes that affect us in the future, we’re more likely to make decisions that lead to better long-term results. 

Real-life Application: Multiple studies on future self-continuity show a strong correlation between care for the future self and healthy behaviors, such as exercise and financial planning.