I found the course to be well-paced and full of concise, interesting and relevant information to transfer to all areas of my life. I love what you do Alan and can’t wait to learn more and start profiling people!
I found the course to be well-paced and full of concise, interesting and relevant information to transfer to all areas of my life. I love what you do Alan and can’t wait to learn more and start profiling people!
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0 - 25 - You have serious problem on your site and need to act immediately to rectify the situation or you could find your business heavily fined. 30 - 50 - You need to actively implement your WHS system. 55 - 75 - Something in place but there are areas that need to be addressed. 75 - 95 - Your chemical health and safety system in place. 100 - Well Done! Book a Meeting with one of our WHS Consultant to discuss how we can help you achieve 100% compliance.