First aid kit complies to the First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice
Contents Include:
- 1 x Scissors Sharp/Blunt
- 1 x Tweezers
- 1 x Safety Pins (Bag 12)
- 2 x Splinter Probes (Card of 5)
- 1 x First Aid Notebook & Pen
- 1 x First Aid Info Pamphlet
- 1 x Amputated Parts Bags (Biowaste) (Envelope of 3)
- 5 x Nitrile Gloves, Large (Pair)
- 1 x Disposable Face Shield (for CPR)
- 1 x Microporous Tape (2.5cm)
- 2 x Triangular Bandage
- 3 x Conforming Bandage (5cm x 4m)
- 3 x Conforming Bandage (7.5cm x 4m)
- 1 x Medium Crepe Bandage (10cm x 4m)
- 1 x Wound Dressing No 14
- 1 x Wound Dressing No 15
- 1 x Combine Wound Dressing (10cm x 20cm)
- 5 x Gauze Swab (3pcs)
- 4 x Eye Pad Dressing
- 6 x Low Adherent Dressing Pad (5cm x 5cm)
- 3 x Low Adherent Dressing Pad (10cm x 7.5cm)
- 1 x Low Adherent Dressing Pad (10cm x 10cm)
- 1 x Thermal Blanket
- 1 x Instant Ice Pack (Small)
- 1 x Aeroplast Fabric Bandaid Box of 50
- 8 x Saline Solution (15ml)
- 1 x Rapaid Antiseptic Spray (50ml)
- 1 x Burn Gel Sachet (3g)
- 1 x Cleansing Wipe (non alcohol) 1% centrimide
- 1 x Plastic Kidney Dish
- 1 x Plastic Bowl (Galipot)
- 1 x Sharps Container 125ml
- 1 Plastic Case
- 1 x Wall Bracket
This kit is ideal to be taken to Assembly Areas. Unlike tackle boxes when you open the kit, the lid is a clean work area, tackle boxes you have to lift out the tray and that often slides off the lid. You may be rendering assistance in a muddy environment and this kit stays clean on the inside.
This kit is also ideal to hang on the wall out of the way. (You won’t need a metal case kit fixed to the wall if you use this case).
This kit can also be mounted in the back of vehicles; it can fit behind ute seats; sometimes it may fit under seats.
Note: First aid kit bags are not waterproof and the zip has a tendency to break.
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